About TrustyChimp

Hi everyone!

Nice to meet you. Whether you’re a new parent who just discovered you’re pregnant or a “seasoned pro” with several kids, I am TRULY excited you’re here.

You’re about to embark on a life changing journey. Maybe you feel overwhelmed and afraid of drowning. Don’t worry, TrustyChimp is meant to be your lifejacket. Your rock in these crazy and exciting times!

You don’t have to do it alone. We can do it together.

TrustyChimp was born out of my passion for helping parents navigate the crazy journey ahead, whether it’s helping you pick out the right middle names for your baby or having some fun at home!

TrustyChimp is intended as a one-stop destination for all the parenting questions and needs you might have.

The goal of TrustyChimp is to empower you with well-researched, factually correct, science-backed data and information that you can trust and rely on.

It’s the result of countless hours spent scouring the internet trying to find the answers to all the questions that might cross your mind.

I hold three university degrees (one of them is a Bachelor of Science degree in Psychology) so I know a thing or two about conducting sound scientific research.

I also have two decades experience in teaching kids, adolescents and grown-ups.

The content on TrustyChimp should be fun to read so don’t be surprised to find the occasional bad jokes or random memes and gifs.

It’s also easy to consume and actionable for busy moms and dads to solve their problems.

Hopefully this blog proves to be a helpful resource for you. If not, shoot me an email and let me know how I can improve it.

If you ever have any questions, I’m also always here to see how I can help.

Just drop me a message and I will do my best to get back to you.

You can also find TrustyChimp on Pinterest, YouTube, Instagram, Twitter and Facebook.

Thank you.

Here are some of my favorite posts:

Middle Names For Ace

Middle Names For Ada

Middle Names For Aliyah

Middle Names For Ariel

Middle Names For Arielle

Middle Names For Arlo

Middle Names For Atlas

Middle Names For Atticus

Middle Names For Briar